Monday, December 8, 2014


How many does it take? Banking used to be the only one I had or needed, no longer. If I have one I have 50. How do you keep track. you don't. At least once or twice a week I need to receive an email with instructions how to reset a password. Especially hard are those you only use once in a while, like insurance or utility accounts. Is it case sensitive. Does it require numbers and letters, or worst of all special characters.

I suppose I could write them all down, but that doesn't seem too secure. And isn't that what passwords are all about, SECURITY. Now that I think about it, this all could be a conspiracy to weed out the more feeble-minded and keep all this good technology away from those who can't keep track of their passwords. I know there is an "App for that", but wouldn't that mean another password?

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