Saturday, May 30, 2020

Freedom at last.

I managed to get to the golf course today and complete 18 holes. The first time since last fall and the first time since the "lockdown". It was really a great feeling. More than just the normal pleasure of the fresh air, green grass freshly cut, and good company. More than the friendly competition and physical exercise. 

Most of the 3 hours I didn't think of anything other than hitting that little white ball as far and as straight as I could. It was GREAT.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Uh oh. Look what the flood flushed out.

We had over 3 inches of rain in the last few days. So I guess these 2 guys are looking for some dry ground. 

Lets hope they don't hang around long enough to be seen by the flower person in this household. That person had a run in with a digging squirrel in her flowers just yesterday and  it could be their last meal if she catches them nibbling on her flowers.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I just finished watching a live sportscast. The first in 6 weeks. Not my favorite league but at least it was happening in real time. Inside a stadium built for 50,000 fans you could hear the players and coaches call out to each other. Why so quiet you ask? No fans. Just 211 players, coaches, referees, broadcasters, cameramen etc. Half of those with facemasks.

Tomorrow NASCAR races in front of even more empty seats. At least the drivers don't have to wear masks under their helmets.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How far will I go to prove a point?

Pretty far I guess. Joan and I potted some flowers on the patio today which included two hanging baskets. After we were finished we sat  inside looking out our picture window admiring our work. 
Joan said to me, "I think the black pot weighs more than than the other and needs to hang on the higher hook to look straight". So out I go with the bathroom scales to prove she's wrong.. Sure enough, the black one is lighter like I thought.

That's just like the wife asking to move the couch because it will look better over there till it's moved and must be moved back to where it was because it doesn't.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Dreaming of the olden days.

Not really that old. Just a few years ago. Now that is what  you call a scenic drive, view, overlook. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A1-C, do you know yours?

Every year, the older I get the more I need to learn about my health. Forever it seems I didn't give it a thought. Now it's all about the numbers and the acronyms. PSA, HDL, LDL, A1-C they go on and on.

This shelter in place thing doesn't help. Now we have added this new virus to worry about and we have plenty of time to do it.

Monday, May 11, 2020

So much for a quiet Saturday afternoon at home.

I didn't see that coming. Our nice quiet street was disrupted by the facts of life today. My next door neighbor, who has been in and out of a wheelchair since we moved here 3 years ago, was taken by ambulance to the hospital. 

We don't really know him, just a friendly wave as we pass in the car while he sits smoking in the garage with the big door open . It does make you stop and think about all that stuff.

That disruption happened again twice Tuesday, one street over. It could be this "shelter in place" thing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

As time goes by

I don't know what it is about the British, but I find nearly everything about them fascinating. It must have started in school with history class. All that stuff about kings and knights. To this day the royal family gets more of my attention than it deserves.

So to movies and TV, like Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie. The PBS network has a ton of it. My interest even now includes sports like the English football (soccer) leagues. Anyone who has that accent automatically commands my attention.

There must be some research somewhere that explains all this.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Zoom Bingo

Yes that's right BINGO. Elementary school from home using the remote meeting software ZOOM. I'm not sure exactly how it works but I can see the benefit of getting the kids to work with letters and numbers.

Another innovation brought to you by "Shelter in place."