Sunday, November 23, 2014

What me worry?

My parents were born around 1920 and lived to near 90 years old. So they experienced first hand the Great Depression of the 1930s. and the recovery that took years and years. My wife and I are Baby Boomers who really have not had to worry about where our next meal was coming from or if the farm we were living on and making our living from was about to be taken away because we couldn't pay our mortgage.  I think Mom and Dad had worries like those early in their adult lives. I don't recall them talking about such things, but a lot of people had those issues during that period. So their ideas about being frugal were based in need rather than want. I'm sure some of that rubbed off on me but only to the degree of "monkey see monkey do".

Alfred E. Neuman

 I was fortunate to find a steady job right out high school. The wage from that job was never a lot when compared to some but the work was interesting and there was the promise of a decent pension when I reached retirement age. So that time has come and gone and I am well into my retirement years. We do watch our pennies, like cutting coupons and shopping at Walmart. But our biggest issue now is our health.

 My kids have a whole new bunch of things to worry about. Things that won't be resolved in my lifetime. Another old adage based in fact, "The more things change, the more they stay the same".

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