Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Healthcare Provider.

We visited our local healthcare provider today and left with surprisingly good feelings about them. My wife needed a routine blood test completed so we called the clinic to get the procedure authorized and they did OK it for tomorrow. Since we were in the area later in the morning we decided to try to have it done today and save an extra trip (12 miles). We had used their services before and thought we new how things would proceed, but things had changed.When we entered the waiting area we were surrounded by ten or more large screen monitors placed around the waiting room with 50 or 60 people watching and listening for their number to be called. The numbers were issued at a centrally located machine which was activated by the touch of a button. After a few minutes your number was called and you spoke to one of seven receptionists. You then went back to your seat for a few minutes more and were called by the same number into one of 15 laboratory stations where your procedure was completed. The whole thing took 30 minutes or less. A good use of technology and manpower to provide an effective and efficient service. 

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