Thursday, December 4, 2014

For almost a month.

I have been at this for almost a month now, publishing this blog. Writing something down every day. I don't think I every kept a diary. I do like to write so this isn't to much of a chore. Keeping it interesting can and will be tough, so there may be some " bare spots" along the way. But I'll just play it by ear.

My mother has been dead now for a year and a half. I think about her and my father nearly every day. I hear something or say something she had said or do something she would have done. I am amazed how much like my parents I have become. My kids are starting to say things like "I am my mother's daughter". That seems to be the natural order of things.

1 comment:

  1. You haven't talked about any of the pets you have had during your lifetime .


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